
Services Details - TheBigDevs

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Service Design.

Service Design is about Designing for the Biggest Picture

Users don’t access brands in a vacuum, but within complex chains of interactions. For example, a car is a product, but in service design terms it’s a tool when an elderly customer wants to book an Uber ride to visit a friend in hospital. There’s much to consider in such contexts. This user might be accessing Uber on a smartphone, which she’s still learning to use. Perhaps she’s infirm, too, lives in an assisted living facility and must inform the driver about her specific needs. Also, she’s not the only user involved here. Other users are any service providers attached to her user experience. For example, the driver that customer books also uses Uber—but experiences a different aspect of it. To cater to various users’ and customers’ contexts as a designer, you must understand these sorts of relations between service receivers and service providers and the far-reaching aspects of their contexts from start to finish. Only then can you ideate towards solutions for these users’/customers’ specific ecosystems while you ensure brands can deliver on expectations optimally and sustainably.

In service design, you work within a broad scope including user experience (UX) design and customer experience (CX) design. To design for everyone concerned, you must appreciate the macro- and micro-level factors that affect their realities.

Our team of experts can help you make your brand a unique experience where the user will feel delighted to have your services.

Professional Hosting

Hosting Service.

All TheBigDevs servers are designed for WordPress and Prestashop excellence. Each plan includes the right mix of technology under the hood to keep your website content fast and available for your visitors. Whether you start small or migrate an existing website, Bluehost provides all the tools you need to build an audience, sell online, or grow your business. Keep personal information, e-commerce transactions and other sensitive data safeguarded with encrypted connections.


Here is plans

Early Birds

$56 /Monthly

  • The functional goal of technical content is to help people use a product successfully.


$99 /Monthly

  • The functional goal of technical content is to help people use a product successfully.


$199 /Monthly

  • The functional goal of technical content is to help people use a product successfully.

Early Birds

$166 /Yearly

  • The functional goal of technical content is to help people use a product successfully.


$299 /Yearly

  • The functional goal of technical content is to help people use a product successfully.


$499 /Yearly

  • The functional goal of technical content is to help people use a product successfully.

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Does any industry face a more complex audience journey and marketing sales process than B2B technology.